I, along with most Americans, was shocked that President Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize. He's only been in office a little over a year and the application was submitted when he had only been in office for two weeks. That's a short time frame to change the world and deserve such a prestigious award. Nelson Mandela ended apartheid in South Africa, Mother Theresa devoted her life to helping the sick and the poor, and Mikhail Gorbachev helped tear down the Berlin Wall and reunited Germany. These are all worthy causes that have made the world a better place. What are Obama's accomplishments?
Exactly. Guantanamo Bay is still open. We're still at WAR (kinda the opposite of PEACE) in Afghanistan and Iraq. He hasn't done anything of worth mentioning in his first year in office, aside from kill a fly on TV and pick a first dog. Oh yeah, he's also fighting (and will be fighting forever) for his healthcare program. He hasn't done anything, which makes him reminiscent of George W. Bush. In fact, I think he's worse because he made so many grand promises and now he's going back on all of them. He told the LGBT community that we had a friend in the White House. At this point, friends isn't exactly how I would describe our relationship.
The thing that makes me angry the most is that no one can talk about Obama's shortcomings. If you criticize him, you're racist. It's ridiculous. I hate how when it was announced, I saw black people cheering for him. They probably don't even know what the Nobel Peace Prize is. That's not a racist comment - I don't know much about it either. It's this blind faith that people (white and black) put in our leaders.
And when I pointed out the evidence that Obama is not deserving, I kept seeing the same response. Everyone says that he's GOING to do all these great things. Perfect! I hope he does. But he hasn't yet and good intentions don't really count for anything. I think people need to wake up and stop putting blind faith in Obama. When / if he comes through on his promises, I will be the first to support him. But until he does, I'm going to remain cynical.
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