Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Am Sarah Palin

I've been thinking about this for a really long time. Personally, I can't think about Palin without thinking of all the parodies and jokes. I had the opinion that she was an idiot and a joke. I still think she is, but I have a new understanding and respect for her.

I DVRd her interview with Oprah. I didn't know much about her personal life during the campaign, except that her teenage daughter was pregnant. I didn't really care; shit happens and you deal with it. They didn't talk directly about her politics, which made sense. The election's in the past. They talked about her and her life.

I was impressed with how she handled her daughter's pregnancy. She wasn't happy with it, but she supported her daughter. I think that is incredibly commendable. She also talked about finding out that her own child was going to be born with Down Syndrome. She talked about telling her husband and how they knew they would be okay. Again, this says to me that she's a decent person with a loving partner.

But how am I Sarah Palin? I thought and still think she's pretty dumb when it comes to politics. Throughout the entire campaign, she seems ill prepared and stupid. She couldn't answer questions. She couldn't name books and magazines she reads. She obfuscated lots of issues and questions. That being said. That is exactly what I would have done. I couldn't answer any of the questions that interviewers asked of her. I don't know how to fix the economy. I don't know how to end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. She and I are the same. We're likeable and good with people, but don't really know much about politics.

I think she was chosen because people could relate to her. I think conservative voters could see themselves in her. It's a shame that she didn't do an interview like she did with Oprah before the campaign. I think if she could be seen as a real woman with a family and a life that people would have respected her more. I don't think she would be a good Vice President and I know I wouldn't vote for her. But I now see her as a strong woman who supports her children, loves her husband and does represent Americans.

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